Words. Rory Bente’

January 16th, 2011 by Conor

Hang in there Danny. Every day is a challange. Every pain is a choice. It is your body testing your mind and will to live and go forward. Don’t let your body tell you what you know and believe you can conquer. Twenty-seven years ago I thought that the last thing I would do on this earth after a massive head injury was to give birth to my daughter. I wanted my family to have something of me to remember me by. It was the struggle of my life and it still hurts so I won’t lie. I still struggle with depression and overwhelming pain but it does get better as I get stronger and more willing to go forward. Keep moving… no matter how small the moves… no matter what it takes… if you can only use your brain than read; write; not about your injuries but about the things you want to do and the way that you will improve them. I am now a grandmother and my daughter and son-in-law are happy and in love. So my life was not a testimony to pain but a testament to love and healing. You are the only one that can keep you going. You are the power and the source of your own healing so take no words that keep you from your goal into your heart. Keep around positive people who believe what you know to be your life in the future. Things will change but only you can change them. Good luck and God Bless you Danny. You are the BOMB… and your video an inspiration.

~Rory Bente’


January 16th, 2011 by MIchelle

We just had some really  good interactions with Danny. The nurse told us that he’s doing great today. Danny’s moving his eyes around and focussing much better. He’s shaking his head yes and no to questions, not regularly, but it’s a start and easier for us to communicate with him. I asked him if he wanted a foot massage and he clearly shook his head no. When Conor asked him if he wanted music he gave us a thumbs up. If you talk to him and he’s looking at you, it seems like he’s understanding what you say. We tell him what is going on, remind him where he is, and why he is here. He replied to Conor’s question, “do you remember snowboarding in Montana?” by moving his hand side to side as if to say that he kind of remembers. Every day brings something new and his progress is always encouraging.


Photo by Diane Harmon

January 16th, 2011 by Conor

I’m Annie and Nate Perley’s mom. I thought you’d enjoy this picture of Annie’s son, Izaac (age 6). This shows that even during the daily chores, we are thinking of Danny and sending him healing thoughts from New Hampshire. Take care and please know how much we appreciate your updates.

Diane Harmon

Words. Mike Wade

January 16th, 2011 by Conor

Conor, Michelle and family thanks for keeping us all up to date with everything that is going on. This website is gonna blow his mind, I can’t wait to read about that! But as you know the recovery process will take some time not to mention the time it will take him to process this is real, its not a bad dream.

As some of you might know 4.5 years ago I had a life changing accident. I crashed a car and when I awoke I was covered in tubes and IVs in the ICU, I didn’t and still don’t remember accident happening, it did! As I awoke I was confused and thought it was a bad dream. However as things were being explained to me I realized that my legs weren’t moving. It all hit me at once, this is real! I spent 2 months in the hospital and rehab. I had never broke a bone in my body but now I had shattered a vertebrae, broke my leg, fractured ribs and a separated shoulder.Before I woke I already had a 7 hr emergency surgery to replace the shattered vertebrae and fuse it with hardware.

I get overwhelmed sometimes thinking about my experience and all the people that were and still are around me. Danny was one of these people! I can remember when I was in the ICU and began having visitors, they had to come in as groups of 4 or 5… after a few groups Danny came in, I don’t remember the details because I was showing off my morphine button but even in my drugged up state I remember him laughing as I continued my morphine mummbling. He visited a few more times before I left for rehab. I have seen him a bunch of times since but these things stick out.

About 2 years ago I started monoskiing and about that time I saw his sponsorship video (I’ve known he was good but had never seen him ride, I was in awe he was killing it)… it made me wanna try some tricks of my own. It was the end of the season and I was at Cranmore, we went by the park and I noticed some “ride on boxes”. This was my first year monoskiing but I wanted to prove what I could do. First try… nailed it! I couldn’t believe it! So I needed proof now, we went up with a camera. Second try…. failed. I couldn’t go out like that so we went back up…third try nailed it! Ecstatic I called it a day. Sitting on the deck was Danny (not riding cause a broken collar bone I think), so I went up to him and told him of my domination in the park… not sure he believed me but I had proof. I showed him the videos, he laughed at the crash and congratulated me on the successful attempts. It was cause of his videos that attempted it and why I continue pushing myself.(Conor said if I hit some jumps I might be able to make a video appearance, I’m working on it). I love shredding now and am looking forward to taking some runs with you guys in the future.

I know the feeling of wondering “why?” I still think about it daily and haven’t come up with a good answer…. not sure if I ever will. I have learned a lot though. I am much more aware of how it is easy to take the simple things for granted and how precious life really is when it is broken down.

Danny Get Shredder! Thinking about you bro.

First Successful Fundraiser

January 16th, 2011 by Conor

Wanted to give a big shout out to everyone in Tahoe City. On Steve Wallace’s birthday the other night they held a fundraiser and were able to collect $705 for Danny. Thank you all so much! I can’t believe how much money you raised! Very Very cool!


Words. Charlie Dickson

January 16th, 2011 by Conor

I’ve really been trying to put this off for as long as possible. Not because I don’t have any stories or even some epic memories to share–trust me I could write a friggen book. Truth be told, its because I haven’t been willing to accept that this actually happen to my friend. All I can think and say is, “how could this happen”, “I don’t believe it” and “why can’t more be done”. Like everyone else, I don’t wanna accept it. Danny is in there, he is fighting to come out, I know he will fight his way back to all of us. Why am I so confident about this? It’s Danny Toumarkine we are talking about here people! He is the freaken Superman of snowboarding!! I mean lets be serious here, he launches himself off 100 foot jumps like a god damn missal on a regular basis. Snowboarding is who he is, it is as much a part of his identity as that crazy laugh of his. He is snowboading and snowboarding is him–his passion makes him one of the best and the best in my book. Yes, he takes risks ever time he straps on that board, but know one deserves something like this to happen to them. Not me, not you, and definitely not Danny.

Earlier today I found myself driving in the jeep (I’m still the JeepMaster) and I thought “what the hell, lets throw in a little pimp mix 8 into the ole cd player to lighten my mood”. I started thinking about all the times Danny and I shared in my Jeep. Driving up and down the strip in noco jamin out to a little Ja Rule–Danny knew every word. Those my friends, were the good ole days. Which brings me to this….Danny for some reason had an obsession with driving my jeep. He’d drive the thing anywhere and everywhere. There is a strong possibility he drove it more then me, actually I’m pretty sure he did. We would go everywhere in that thing–off road, on road, Wendy’s multiple times a day, no seriously, we had a problem with Jr bacon cheese burgers, road trips to see Conor and Josh–it was pretty much the family car. When I say “family” I mean it. Danny and Conor were like a family to me. I considered Danny’s home my second home. His family always made me feel like one of the family and I always appreciated it. I logged some serious time in that spare bed room. Let me tell you–Danny and Conor always made me feel like I belonged there. And, they were always there for me no matter what. Ups and downs, they were there. Always making me feel better, always making me laugh. Those are true friends. The best I’ve had.

Danny is an amazing friend. There is no doubt in my mind that Danny would go to bat for anyone of his friends no matter what, he never gets down, picks you up when your dealing with troubled times, he’s an all around good guy, the kid can do anything he puts his mind too and he’s MY friend! I’m proud of him, I hope he knows that. Danny I’m praying for you buddy everyday. I wish there was something I could say or do to make this better. Conor, you are truly an amazing brother. The strength you’ve shown throughout this experience is nothing short of inspiring. Your focus and commitment to watching over him, making sure he’s never alone, taking the graveyard shifts, keeping everyone informed and showing us all what love is. Danny knows you’re there, he knows you won’t let anything happen to him, he knows you will be waiting for him when he wakes up and he knows you’ll be with him no matter what may lay ahead. Conor, as much as I am here for Danny, I am here for you too.


Text I got earlier today.

January 16th, 2011 by Conor

Sending good vibes from philly. Ever since i saw dannys sponsor me video on youtube a few years back ive been following his career and stoked on the shreddy times videos. Youre a great dude danny, get well soon and i hope someday i can shred with you!

~Seamus Foster

Words. Kellen Kmiecik

January 16th, 2011 by Conor

For the past 4 months I have been fortunate enough to come out to Australia and play baseball with one of Danny’s closest mates Sean Guinard. About 2 weeks ago, Sean and I traveled up to Surfers Paradise, Australia where I was able to meet and stay with another close friend of Sean and Danny’s, Ian Stacey. On our second day up in Surfers, we learned of the tragic accident that happened to Danny. Even though I have never met Danny, his very well spoken friend Sean has showed me many videos and has told countless stories of his best friend. When hearing about the accident, I came to realize how amazing of a person Danny is after witnessing the concern and sorrow that was brought upon both Sean and Ian. It takes a true man and friend to leave an impact on someone’s life like Danny does to both Sean and Ian. The question often arises in this world,”Why do bad things happen to good people?” About 4 years ago I played on a missionary baseball team up in Alaska and my team chaplain gave me a pretty solid answer to this question. He said, “There are very few things that we have complete control of in this life. When bad things happen to good people, people tend to rush to the conclusion and only see and perceive the negative side to what is really happening. Yes it may seem like a tragedy, but if ONE persons misfortune not only brings family and friends closer to each other, but also brings them closer to God. Well then, it seems as if the Big Man upstairs is working miracles.” When I heard this answer, I still really did not grasp the concept to what he was really trying to say. As I pondered about it for the next few days, I began to realize that if someone impacts others lives by living a caring, compassionate, and loving life (As it seems Danny does). It truly demonstrates that they are gifts and miracles from God. We are God’s children and he would never want us to suffer and turn away from Him. Instead, He wants us not only to look to to each other for support, but to come closer to Him by seeking his guidance and love. When I heard of the accident, I have kept Danny, his family, and his friends in my prayers and thoughts every day. Sean reads me the updates almost every day and I am able to see the constant progression Danny has made through his brothers words. After hearing these past few updates, I know God is watching over and protecting Danny. I will continue to keep Danny and his family in my thoughts and prayers. Keep fighting Danny! Cause God has many great things in store for you.

Michelle’s 5th Hat!

January 16th, 2011 by Conor

Michelle has been slaving away making hats to help raise money for Danny. This is her 5th and latest installment. They average about 4 hours on the site before they sell. These hats have been made with lots of love while she watches over Danny. They are one of a kind and we love Michelle for making them! Michelle is also the Bomb!

This hat is pretty awesome. We think that this might be Dannys favorite so far. He gave a thumbs up earlier indicating that it was.


A Long Walk Home

January 16th, 2011 by MIchelle

It’s 5:47 AM. The night shift is almost over. David will be be here any minute now and Conor and I will pack up our backpacks, say goodbye to Danny, and walk out of room 5109. We’ll push the green exit button and the doors to the ICU will open. We’ll walk down the hall and into the elevator. Once we’re on the first floor, we will exit the Benefis Hospital and walk two blocks to the Great Falls Inn. The walk will be cold. My hair will be frosty by the time we get there. We’ll talk about Danny or something related to Danny and we’ll reach room 207 a little bit tired, but not quite ready for bed. Our conversation will continue. Our thoughts will occupy our minds until exhaustion finally takes over. Danny will still be in room 5109. He will be on and off sedation. He will go through nuero exams. He will continue to make small steps towards recovery and when Conor and I wake up we will hear all about it from Ellen and David. I will wish that I was there to witness Danny’s progress first hand, but I know that there will be many more opportunities to witness Danny’s strength and resilience in days, months, and years to come. I look forward to being there for those moments. For now, I will continue to enjoy these moments. I will find joy in Danny’s attempt to smile.


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