
January 16th, 2011 by MIchelle

We just had some really  good interactions with Danny. The nurse told us that he’s doing great today. Danny’s moving his eyes around and focussing much better. He’s shaking his head yes and no to questions, not regularly, but it’s a start and easier for us to communicate with him. I asked him if he wanted a foot massage and he clearly shook his head no. When Conor asked him if he wanted music he gave us a thumbs up. If you talk to him and he’s looking at you, it seems like he’s understanding what you say. We tell him what is going on, remind him where he is, and why he is here. He replied to Conor’s question, “do you remember snowboarding in Montana?” by moving his hand side to side as if to say that he kind of remembers. Every day brings something new and his progress is always encouraging.


5 Responses to “Update”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    That is such amazing news!,,Remember the Chinese proverb
    A journey of a thousand miles,begins with a single step.

  2. Cody T Says:

    Thanks for the update Michelle and so happy to hear the progress Danny is making. Our thoughts are still so intensely with him.

  3. Holly Church Says:

    Let me start off by saying that I am Megan Credits Mom.I am so thankful for your updates Michelle.I cant stop thinking about Danny since I found out.My prayers and thoughts are with him.He is a great guy!!If there is anything you need and it is in my power to give you just ask.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    Awesome! Love the new guys.

  5. Joe Commendatore Says:

    This is great news makes me supper happy to hear. Thank you for teh updates and I continue to send my love and prayers


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