6 Month Update

July 8th, 2011 by Conor

Well I can’t say that I have a very typical update for month 6. Danny and friends spent the day at Squaw Valley USA enjoying some of the festivities that were going on there. Squaw had been closed for a month but opened for 3 days to allow local ski bums to come out and make a few turns. It was quite a treat to get to snowboard on 4th of July weekend. No, Danny was not snowboarding. He still has 6 months to wait according to the neurosurgeons. But, Danny did film an event known as the Cushing Crossing. Dave Soroka, Danny and I filmed the event and below you will find the video that we put together. Check out the very last slide to see a shout out celebrating Danny’s 6 month anniversary!

~ Conor

One Response to “6 Month Update”

  1. Carol Says:

    Love these updates!

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