January 6th, 2011 by Conor
The Neurosurgeon just came out to let us know that he is going to have to perform a second surgery on the other side of Danny’s head. The doctor explained that Danny’s responses to stimulation have gotten worse this morning and that the felt the need to relive pressure from that part of the skull. The first surgery that he did was to to relieve pressure from the left side. This surgery will be on the right side.
If all goes well the surgery should last 2-3 hours. They will be keeping him heavily sedated for roughly the next 7-10 days while his brain hopefully starts to reduce back to a normal size.
The next 3 hours waiting are going to be hard for everyone. I love you Danny.
January 6th, 2011 by Conor
Unfortunately, no real news to update. Danny has not really gotten much better or worse since he arrived here. His generally consistent condition isn’t necessarily the worst thing since brain injuries generally take 48-72 hours to take on their full effect. If anything, the fact that his condition has not drastically changed is actually a sign that he is doing well.
We are at the 72 hour mark as of this moment. Now the waiting game really begins. Everyone is obviously hoping for the best, but now the battle is really one that Danny and the doctors have to fight. All we can do is continue to keep him in our thoughts and send him our love.
I will update everyone IMMEDIATELY as soon as there is something significantly worth reporting. No news means no progress either way.
Love you Danny…
January 6th, 2011 by Conor
Wanted to give everyone a little bit of an update, unfortunately, there isn’t much of an update. Danny is still in the ICU at Great Falls and it doesn’t look like he will be leaving anytime soon. His condition has not bettered or worsened since he got here. He is heavily sedated and on a constant stream of Morphine. The next day or two are very critical as the brain is still responding to the crash that he took. All things considered, things are looking as good as they could be.
January 4th, 2011 by Conor
Hey everyone, Conor here. I wanted to let you know before you heard it threw the grape vine. My brother Danny Toumarkine suffered a traumatic head injury while riding up in Montana on a filming trip. He was life flighted to Benefis hospital in Great Falls, where he had emergency surgery. He is in the ICU recovering at the moment. He does not appear to have any other injuries that they know about. The next 3 days are a very critical time for Danny and our family. Your love and support through this are very important to Danny’s recovery. Please feel free to show your support however it is that you deal with this type of thing. This is a hard time for all of us. I will let you know any updates when there is significant information worth sharing.