January 8th, 2011 by Conor
After deciding to go to Utah for the first time on a ski trip with some guys from New Hampshire and Boulder I didn’t know what to expect to tell you the truth. If you would of told me before the trip that we were going to be fined for all kinds of things(one being a dope igloo formally known as Twiggy Top), I probably would of made other plans. Either way, we all mobbed up into Big Cottonwood Canyon with plans to shred the pow and mother nature provided some epic days. I love thinking back on the trip and realizing how free spirited everyone was at the time and we have all gone in so many directions. This was the first time I saw Danny in action on and off the slopes and there was nothing but good times to be had when he was around. My best memory would be when he strapped on a pair of skis in the middle of the night and threw a backflip off a jump and stomped it saying “skiing is sooo gay”. As a skier you would think I would take offense or be offended but it was all for the love of snow and fun. Danny has always been able to do anything he feels motivated to do and this has been inspirational to see as he has progressed in the snowboarding realms to show the world his talent. Now, I along with many others are hoping for a recovery so he can continue to inspire us to follow our dreams and keep that free spirited passion alive.
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family Conor.
January 7th, 2011 by Conor
I can’t tell you enough how much fun I had the first winter I spent with you and Conor in Tahoe…night riding at Squaw, powder days at Northstar, drinking Keystone lights in the trailer, “In-N-Out now serving beer!!?” random casino nights and spaghetti dinners. I always looked forward to hanging out with you because everyday was like a new adventure, being able to tag-along with you snowboarding (even though I couldn’t keep up) was some of the most fun times I have ever had snowboarding. I look back on that winter and laugh at how much fun we had…even if you gave me a hard time as if I was one of the guys! You are the reason that winter was so amazing. I know in my heart this is just a bump in the road, I have seen your passion for snowboarding and with that same determination I have faith you will recover and be back on the slopes before we know it!
P.S. You still owe me a handmade hat!
Lots of love,
January 7th, 2011 by Conor

January 7th, 2011 by Conor

Ian Stacey Is encouraging everyone who knows and loves Danny to support him by buzzing all their hair off. We all know how much Danny loves his hair, but it is now all buzzed off. Get ur hair chopped off and send in ur pictures to donations@dannyisthebomb.com to post so Danny isn’t the only one with a short hair cut!
January 7th, 2011 by Conor

January 7th, 2011 by Conor
Thank you for keeping all of us updated on Danny’s condition, I know we all appreciate it. I can’t imagine everything that is going through your mind and you still make a point to post a few words to let us know about Danny’s progress. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family during this rough time.
Having grown up in the same area as you guys and sharing the same friends, I have gotten to know Danny pretty well. When it came time to choose a college, Danny told me about SNHU and when I went to tour the campus, Danny was there to greet me and give me and my mom his version of a campus tour. If it wasn’t for Danny and his convicing, I probably wouldn’t have gone to SNHU. During my freshman and sophomore year at SNHU, Danny’s apartment was party central, I was there pretty much every day during the week and on weekends. Whether it was just hanging out and watching a movie with Danny and the roommates or partying it up with pretty much the rest of the SNHU campus. Whenever I was having a rough time, Danny was always there to cheer me up and make me laugh. Having Danny there made the college adjustment that much easier. I was there when you and Danny were launching FLIGI and I wore the t-shirts and sweatshirts as much as I could to do my part in promoting the company for you guys. I had stickers on my phone, on my fridge in my dorm room, wherever I could find a spot. Anyone that grew up with Danny or even knew him, knew how much he loved to go cabrewing during the summer. All of us had some great times on the Saco River on summer break and some great memories were made as well. I will never forget the time a bunch of us went cabrewing and then went back to Danny’s house and played badminton for hours, of course, Danny beat us every time!
Danny and I did have our ups and downs and I haven’t talked to Danny much since college, but ever since I heard what happened, all of these great memories have come rushing back to me like they happened yesterday. As I am writing this, I am wearing my FLIGI sweatshirt kind of as a tribute to Danny.
Danny, we all know how strong you are and how you never like to give up. I know that you are going to pull through and although at times it may be tough and you may want to give up, but just remember how many people are standing behind you and rooting for you. You can do this! We all love you!
Jenny aka J.Miller-time (my nickname from Danny)
January 7th, 2011 by Conor
Muddy Buddy Day! One of the best trips to date!

January 7th, 2011 by Conor
Hey Conor,
I hope you are holding up ok…. I haven’t stopped praying for Danny and your family since I found out. I attached a handful of pictures for you guys. Ian doesn’t have a computer and I know he would want to donate a ton so most of these are from him. Please let us know if we can do anything at all! Stay, envision and try to feel positive it can only help !
Take care,