In Bed with Michelle

January 21st, 2011 by Conor

I was nearly asleep when the phone rang. Cindy asked that someone come in to keep an eye on Dannny because he was too much to watch on his own. It was either we come in or she was going to pin him down with restraints. After my wild 36 hours of being way off the graveyard schedule I couldn’t have been any more tired, so Michelle went in. It sounds like shortly before she got there he had actually somehow managed to fall out of the bed and onto the floor. I’m not really sure of the specifics because I wasn’t there and the details are foggy because they are being relayed to me from Michelle, and she is now asleep. When Michelle got there, there was a 10 minute hold on access to the room because they were trying to get Danny situated from his fall. Cindy informed Michelle that since we had left he had pretty much been trying to escape. When Michelle got in there she was asking Danny about the fall and what happened and all he kept doing was taping the bed next to him. Michelle apparent’y asked him if he wasted to cuddle and he nodded. I guess that was all he wanted. Michelle tried not to fight the laughter as she asked Cindy if it was ok to cuddle with the Danny. Cindy replied by saying something like “If that’s whats gonna keep him in bed and happy then do it.”

So Michelle finally got the golden opportunity that she has been waiting for since she arrived on the 4th. She has been telling me since she showed up that all she wants to do is cuddle with Danny, and she finally got her opportunity. I don’t think she ever thought that it was going to happen while Danny was still in the ICU and I certainly know it wasn’t her goal in heading down there but it’s funny that it finally happened and I can confidently say it was the first medically prescribed cuddly I have ever heard of. The graveyard shift might be over for me but it’s back on for Michelle. I am considering changing “Bedside with Michelle” to “In bed with Michelle” and I couldn’t find it more appropriate that I changed my category to “Adventures with Danny’ even though it wasn’t my adventure I know this is a taste of what’s to come.


Adventures with Danny

January 21st, 2011 by Conor

Let me start by saying that the Graveyard Shift Thoughts can no longer exist. Why? Well the nursing staff would like to have the room cleared whenever they are trying to get Danny to sleep. I certainly can’t blame them. I know that I wouldn’t want someone in my room if I was trying to sleep. So I will begin to try to change my sleep cycles back to normal. I was so bummed that I didn’t get to see yesterday that I didn’t sleep at all last night. Instead I went in to see him first thing this morning and was there till the early afternoon. I finally crashed after a 24 hour run around 3 o’clock. I after the 3 hour nap I headed to the hospital until the newly modified night shift ended, which, was at about 11:30 or whenever Cindy gives us the boot! Side note: Shout out to Leah and Cindy. We love you!

Moving on. Danny is beginning to communicate but he can only talk if he has his voice activated plug thing in. I have yet to actually be in the room when he has the plug in. But I have been there for a few sessions where he wishes to write things down on paper. Tonight I thought I would share Danny’s writing.

1) Pants jeans

Danny wants his clothing back and he wants to get out of there. This is the second time that he has written down that he wants his clothes. I don’t think that he has any idea that he was admitted with his snowboarding gear on and that most of it has been absolutely shredded.

2) Who’s in the bathroom

He is convinced that there is someone in the bathroom. He pointed to the bathroom on two different occasions. He pointed as if to say “what is going on in there.” So as you can imagine this confusion was pretty easily solved when I opened the door, turned the lights on, and walked around the bathroom showing him that there was no one in there. He remained confused.

3) Danny’s signature

I asked Danny if he would sign his name. He signed it the same way he always does. That was a good sign.

4) Thanks for everything both of you!

An absolute highlight of the recovery process for me. Danny wrote this and then made eye contact with me and Michelle. It’s great to know that he already appreciates that we are there for him. It was pretty damn cool to see that he knew that and was already acknowledging it. You are very welcome Danny!

5) North Conway Hospital

I asked Danny if he knew where we were. Despite the fact that myself, Michelle and all the nurses have told him that we are in Montana at least 50 times Danny still thinks that he is in North Conway, New Hampshire. The question is how bad is his short term memory and how long will it remain bad for. Side note, I thought several days ago that Danny had solid memories of or day of riding up in Montana. I am no longer confident that he knows anything about even being in Montana. Time will tell.

6) Michelle asked him (in 5th grade format (mostly to be cute)) “Will you go on a date with me?” Yes, No, If your lucky!

Danny checked if your lucky and smiled at Michelle. It’s great to see that he seems to have a solid grasp on his sense of humor. That i something very positive that is going on.

Things are looking very good. He has his sense of humor, is regaining motor skills, he can write and interpret. We are excited about his progress and have some but not too many concerns about the long term. Danny is surrounded by such awesome friends and family that I am confident he will snap out of this with greater ease than most of the rest of us would. I am very happy with where he is at and excited about where he is headed. I just hope he can remain as positive as he possible when he begins to find out how this is going to change his life over the next year or two.


ps. since I have been officially kicked off the graveyard shift I feel it would be lame to continue writing under that category. I am now writing under “Adventures with Danny.” If I know Danny like I think I do, I have a feeling we are about go on a whole lot of funny adventures during the weeks to come.

Hillbilly Teeth and Thank You Notes

January 21st, 2011 by MIchelle

It’s 12:43 AM and tonight will mark the second night spent away from Danny since I can remember getting here. There were other nights when sleep won, I lost, and I didn’t make it the whole night in room 5109, but intentionally walking out of the room and home to the hotel feels strange. I get that choked up feeling in my throat when I say goodnight to Danny. I fight back tears and can’t say more than a couple of words at a time without my voice cracking. I spend as much time as I can in that room with him even if it means skipping meals, showers, and not seeing more than a two block radius around the hospital. Lot’s of people keep saying that we should get out of the hospital for a change of scenery, but I’m perfectly fine in room 5109. I’ve seen enough outside the hospital to know that Great Falls isn’t really for me.

It was extra tough leaving Danny tonight. He was wide awake and I’m pretty sure he thought he was coming with us when we left. He thinks we’re in New Hampshire. We’ve told him quite a few times we’re in Montana. Short term memory is definitely something we’re going to have to work on. He smiled tonight while Conor and I were hanging out with him. We were trying pretty hard. I was laughing really hard. We had hillbilly teeth in and hung up some decor his grandma sent. Danny now has a plastic hawaiian grass skirt and flowers hanging from the entrance to his room. He also wrote THANKS FOR EVERYTHING…BOTH OF YOU! on a piece of paper. Made us stoked.

I want to stay awake a write right now. I feel like any second now some really profound thoughts are going to surface, but I’m going to try to get on a normal schedule. Maybe tomorrow. Good night world.


Words. Joe Commendatore

January 21st, 2011 by Conor

A note to Danny ,

Danny, I am so happy to hear that you are getting better every day. Your brother, Michelle, your friends, and your family have stepped up in a huge way. They have rallied the troops man. Working hard to keep everyone informed of your every step toward victory. Today I read Michelle post about your physical therapy session and was excited to learn that you were able to write, identify colors, and raise your arms, this is all sooo HUGE bro. I am proud of you and know you are fighting the hardest fight of your life right now. Keep your chin up and know people are praying for you and sending you all their love. You got a great family, awesome friends and a stud for a brother. Get well soon D.

For all those out there reading I first met Danny this past Summer in Lake Tahoe. It was just about 5:00am when Mike Wilson and dropped my boat in Lake Tahoe. It was too cold for us to get the Hula Networks sticker that Danny made to actually stick on my boat so we had to wait until the temp rose.

Once in the water Mike and I headed to meet the Shreddy Times crew onsite. I remember the cold air and looking at Mike saying “dude it’s pretty cold out” he responded with “yeah I’m not excited to go in the water at 5am”.

Twenty minutes later we pulled up to DL Bliss. The sun was just starting to raising as we pulled up and Conor greeted us with a loud shout from the cliffs “what’s up guys”. I looked up at and saw Conor, Will, Porter, and Danny all hanging from the rocks. They all had HUGE Smiles and stood in picture perfect position to insure they got the perfect shot of our arrival. Camera in hand with a huge smile on his face Danny greeted Mike and I saying “what’s up guys.. You ready Mike?” Mike responded with a simply “yeah I’m ready, just not to excited about getting in the water this early in the morning but I’m ready” Danny just laughed and said hey Joe can I climb onboard ? I responded with “yea for sure”

While Mike climbed the cliffs and made sure all was ready with the swing Danny and I practiced going back and forth to get our timing right for the shot. Immediately we got to talking and swapping stories about where we were from and so on. We were having fun both super pumped for what was about to go down. I liked Danny right from the start and loved his entrepreneur spirit. Both he and his brother ooze a creative talent and a true entrepreneur spirit that is truly special. That day I learned that Danny was polite, humble, and helpful.

For the next hour Danny and I worked hard to get the moving shots from the water as Conor and the Shreddy crew billy goated the cliffs to capture the perfect shot of Mike hucking himself into history. It was epic, and definitely goes down as one of my favorite days ever.

Thanks Danny for being part of it and I can’t wait until you are back on your feet

Get well Brother

Joe and the Hula Networks Crew

MFM and K-MART showing some Love

January 21st, 2011 by Conor

Yo guys, here is some pics of K-MART and MFM showing Danny some love from Salt Lake City.


Daily Shout Outs!

January 21st, 2011 by Conor

More Pics from Riding up at Northstar

January 21st, 2011 by Conor

Some more pictures from the ride day up at Northstar.

Photos by Ian Mcleod and Jonathan Herre

I Rock A Helmet Now!

January 21st, 2011 by Conor

I started riding again this year after 15 years of not being on the mountain. A lil bit after I started Danny’s accident happened. My mom knew his dad so I told her what happened, she then bought me a helmet. So what I’m getting at is with every negative there i a positive. Because of Danny I am riding with a helmet. Thought it only be right I rock it for him. Cause if this can happen to him with his skills, it can happen to anyone.

~Heather Snow

Izaac is a Huge Fan!

January 21st, 2011 by Conor

Videos from Annie Perley

Painting with Jen

January 20th, 2011 by Conor

Hi Conor… Although my only connection with you is “Kennett Alumni 2001” and do not know your brother personally, when I heard of his accident I was genuinely concerned for him and your family. I must admit, among many others, I have been slightly addicted to following Danny’s progress online. I am truly encouraged by the band of people coming together for the common goal of wishing Danny well. I was offered a side job to paint a neighbors bathroom, and thought it would be a great source of income that I could donate to your family. Thank you for allowing this very difficult experience to inspire my feelings of compassion.
All my best …. Jennifer Bell

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