Swamp Donkey Love

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Sending DCT some Swamp Donkey Love…send in a pic of your old jersey if u played alongside of Danny…

~Chris Rogers

Michelle’s Hats!

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Michelle has been slaving away making hats to help raise money for Danny. The hats are going to be one off, and each time one sells it will be replaced with a different one. These hats have been made with lots of love while she watches over Danny. Ships quickly and makes for awesome pro ski/snowboard type gift. These hats are one of a kind and we love Michelle for making them! Michelle is also the Bomb!

Michelles Black Hat – $100



The First hat is black with brown in it. If it doesn’t sell I am going to take better pictures with a much nicer camera because this hat is the BOMB!

Photos from the Smith Family

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Michelle Loves Cheetos

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

We decided that 10 votes was enough and that it was OK to for us to tap into the Junk Food Tree. By we I mean Michelle… I have yet to tap.

A Shreddy Fan

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

~Dustin Wells

Words. Chris Rogers

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

All of the water in Lake Tahoe couldn’t fill the void of Danny not being around…I’m pretty sure that land value in the North Lake area is depreciating with every minute he has been gone.

I moved out here for many reasons, but one was the fact that Danny and the Shreddy Crew were calling the North Lake Tahoe area home. Upon arrival it was clear that these guys have done here. People Recognize! On the lift with big names from MatchStick Productions, you could drop DCT, Conor, or ShreddyTimes at any minute and get positive feedback. Likewise, after hearing about the accident, anyone here is willing to share their concern and respect for the healing Process…

It’s hard being here while Danny’s there and NH is way over there…the motivation to ride just isn’t the same, not until Danny inevitably wakes up. The ShreddyTimes house was a community, you would walk in the door, hear his laugh, and then be requested to “do something crazy!”, at least crazy enough to make the cut. The people who live/ride/associate with ShreddyTimes are amazing. they are the ones who were/are up in Montana with DCT and fam…So thank you to them. Being a part of this crew is nothing short of a treat, and will continue to be even after one of the Master in Command returns to the mission at hand…

My point here is this: No matter where you are right now keep thinking and praying about the day (soon come) that DCT gets out of that Hospital. There are so many pockets of Love for him all around the globe right now, and the outcry from the Mt. Washington Valley is amazing, we feel it here in California for real! We want you to know that the void is as big where we are in Lake Tahoe. Danny is a true testament to the fact that MWV people are traveling locals who demand love and respect, as well as give it out. So from the Big Lake in the Sky…Get better real quick Danny, and keep the Love coming from everywhere, especially in the Hometown regions of Northern New Hampshire…


Getting Warmer

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

It’s 11:21 PM. Before Ellen walked out the door Danny gave her a hand squeeze. She was so excited she ran out to tell the nurse. It brought a big smile to my face and to hers as well. He started to reach for the PEG tube, but we had to hold his hands back. His blood pressure, oxygen, etc. are starting to stabilize. Cindy, our night nurse, said that maybe tomorrow the doc will let his temperature come up. This would mean less shivers and hopefully less use of the paralytics. The paralytic medicine paralyzes Danny to decrease movement and stabilize his ICP. Right now he is kept around 36.1 degrees Celsius which is 96.98 degrees Fahrenheit. The human body is at roughly 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep up the healing Danny!


Words. Jenna Dramise

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

About 3 years ago on one fine day at Northstar I met Danny. All I remember was Danny would not stop doing front flips! I was really pumped on them in till he did about 10 of them in one run, then I was like alright, this kid I just met is crazy and is obsessed with front flips. I will also never forget when I first heard Danny laugh that day, little did I know that his brothers laugh is no different. Still to this day I have never heard a better laugh in my life.

Impact Danny has had on my life….
Danny has….

* made me laugh harder than any other person…..funny thing is I am laughing at him laughing because his laugh is the best!!!!
* made me better at snowboarding because he makes me hit jumps!
* been there when I needed a friend to talk to about snowboarding
* been there to show me up in the halfpipe even though he never rides pipe..I seriously try so hard in the halfpipe and he is still better then me!
* named one of my turtles Lars.
* Inspired me in snowboarding. I only wish I good be half as good as him, his style his drive and his talent in snowboarding is incredible. I still to this day brag about Danny on the chairlift to people!

When I dropped into my first run at the comp today I couldn’t stop crying because I have never met anyone so in love with snowboarding in my life and I just do not understand why or how this could happen to such an amazing person. Danny I think about you all the time, I hope you get better really quick. I look forward to kicking your ass in the halfpipe(i will most likely never succeed at that but will definitely try) when you get better!

I hope you remember our little adventure in Vegas, here are a couple pictures…

(picture of the horse)—- I remember you guys had to lift me up on to this huge thing and I ate shit getting off of it, but I remember wanting to get the shot haha.

Decisions, Decisions.

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

We here at the graveyard shift are faced with an unusual predicament. A generous donation of snack food came in today from a good friend Bobby Brennick. Most of the food options here at the hospital are no longer options. If we begin to pick off the tree it will lose its aesthetic and the soul warming effect it might have on Danny when he begins to wake up. On the other hand if we pick at it, we will be happy and therefore more able to transfer our positive energy to Danny. What to do…

[polldaddy poll=4369685]

Words. Sarah Allyn

January 10th, 2011 by Conor

I’ve been trying to think of what to write for a while now. I can’t seem to get Danny, Ellen, Conor or Michelle (despite the fact that I’ve never met her) out of my mind. When I started to think of my memories of Danny I realized I had way more than I thought.

I remember when Conor and Danny used to hate each other. Okay, maybe not hate, but they definitely didn’t get along for a few years way back in the day. It’s been really cool for me to watch their relationship grow and change over time and now, they’re the best of friends. I always hoped that my relationships with my brothers would end up similar to the closeness that Conor and Danny have.

I have memories of Danny’s head lolling on the bus in Ireland. It’s caught on video ..kid could sleep through anything.

Danny gave me one of the best pieces of advice to help me through school. He told me one night to make sure I got my work done before I played. I know it’s such a simple piece of advice but I really took it to heart and it’s one of the reasons I’ve had the success that I do in school.

HANDS DOWN the Toumarkines have the best laugh. There is no doubt about it in my mind. It is contagious and can light up a room. I wish Conor could upload a clip of Conor, Danny and our cousin Jesse laughing at something when we were on our Ireland trip in 2000. No one but our Aunt Julie knows what they were laughing out but I think that’s what makes the video even better. Picture three teenagers sitting on a bed staring at something unknown and just bursting into giggle fits. It’s my favorite part of that video.

I am so proud to be Conor and Danny’s cousin. I show off shreddytimes.com to all of my friends and make them watch countless edits. I brag about your dreams and your goals and plans for a professional video. Everyone I show is awed by both boys’ talents. Whether it’s living in South America or just cabrewin’ in the valley, Danny always seems to be living the dream (and I was always a little jealous)

Right now I wish that I could be out in Montana. Being a nursing student gives me comfort when I read the updates. I can process why certain things are being done and everything seems to be falling in to place. I realize that I am fortunate to have this information because some of the readers have no idea what’s a positive change or a negative change. I have no doubt in my mind that Danny is getting the most excellent care right now but I wish I could be at his bedside helping him heal.

I love you, Dano, I can’t wait to sing Silent Night again with you.


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