The Tee Shirts are Printed! Going out tomorrow!

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

The guys at Glass Graphics have been crushing it and have already printed the first round of tee shirts. If you have already ordered a shirt it should be going out tomorrow as long nothing too wild happens between now and then. I only say that in light of how wild things can turn in an instant.

It’s not to late to show your support. Get your Danny is the Bomb tee today!


Chuck Norris… The start of it all.

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Ian sent me this through Facebook and I thought it was worthy of sharing. Just to catch people up to speed. This conversation started when I told Ian that I was the proud owner of He was foaming at the mouth. Literally. Danny would want this message to be here:

Hey bro, just thinking about you and Danny, and i remembered one of the first times we met, hanging out on the river. we were discussing chuck norris joke tee-shirts. we had some laughs, so i looked up a few chuck jokes that i thought were hilarious, and hopefully lighten up the mood for u.

when the rock says “can you smell what the rock is cook’n” chuck norris replys it better be my lunch!

chuck norris has a daughter, her name is Hulk Hogan.

Chucks daughter lost her virginity… he got it back.

hope u had some laughs with that one man. liking the updates on danny. it sounds like he’s getting better slowly but surely. Miss you buddy, hope to hear from you soon!


chuck Norris once lit a fart in the Sahara forrest.

life insurance gets cheaper the further u live from chuck norris.

chuck norris took a million sleeping pills… it made him blink.

when chuck laughs, milk comes out of your nose.

chuck norris puts the laughter in Manslaughter.

chuck norris drove his mom home from the hospital after he was born.

Words. Polly Allyn

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

I’m Ellen’s sister,better known as Auntie Polly to Conor and Danny. I’m having a hard time focusing due to the erratic sleep patterns of the last week.
I remember some years ago I offered my cottage to Conor shortly after his Senior year in high school so he and Charlie Dixon could have a nice evening together to watch some movies in the quiet setting of Lovewell Pond. Silly me. Two years later, when Danny was graduating, I was looking at comments written in his year book. Much to my surprise they were all making reference to the “blast” of a party at the lake.

As a mother I can’t imagine what my sister Ellen is going through right now.
As a sister, I can’t imagine what Conor is feeling right now. Oh, the power of family. I keep re living our Christmas just three short weeks ago. There were 15 of us together for dinner every night for a week. It truly was the best Christmas ever. The last night Conor, Danny and my son Sam were all going to the Red Parka Pub for open mike night. I remember how enthusiastic Conor and Danny were for the trip to Montana. When we said good-bye, I remember saying to have a great winter, and ended with I love you. I am so happy I did that. Remember that the next time you say good-bye to someone that you won’t be seeing for a while.

Ellen, you are the most invested mother out there. It’s obvious how tight you are with the boys. You have a done a remarkable job with them.
Conor, everyone should be so fortunate to have a sibling like you…I love you
Danny…you, too!
Auntie Polly

Words. Max Kimberley-Bryant

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

I have been really meaning to compile and share some thoughts and experiences with everyone about Conor and Danny, whom are some of the closest friends that I have always had. Ever since I can remember these brothers have made me smile with their generous amount of laughing. This laughing has been an addictive phenomenon, in that everyone who happens to be in the presence of these Toumarkines, will undoubtedly smile and crack a bit of a giggle no matter what these young men are laughing at. As I have read these submissions that everyone has taken time to write, more than half of them mention the high octane giggles these guys put out. This phenomenon is something that I love to be a part of. Often when I am with the little nine year olds I coach at Squaw they mention; “you need to laugh more.” But in reality I am too busy making sure they are not jumping off of every rock on the mountain. What I need is the Toumarkine medicine, a nice song-like giggle that bounces off the tallest of walls and ceilings. I don’t laugh that often because these nine year olds make jokes that are for nine year olds. Here is an example; “So if a quiz is quizzical, a test is _____?” (you can figure that one out). This joke I actually did laugh a little at, and soon after told them to never mention testicles again. When it comes down to it I should laugh a little more, I am with a bunch of kids, so I should just act like one. Well here is a little information on laughter, which I believe to be one of the most effective ways a person can expressive themselves.

People have an acoustically rich repertoire of sounds–with some laughs actually sounding more like bird chirps, pig snorts, frog croaks, or chimpanzee pants than human laugh sounds.

— Humans produce a wide variety of laugh sounds with a remarkable range of pitch that, for males, can reach the highest pitch of a trained soprano. In females, pitches can be as high as twice those of a trained soprano.

— Laughs can be separated into three basic categories: 1. Song-like laughs, which are akin to our stereotyped notions of laughter and are sometimes characterized by remarkably high pitch; 2. Snort-like laughs, with sounds that exit primarily through the nose; and 3. Grunt-like laughs produced through the mouth, but with no measurable vocal pitch.

“Among primates, humans are unique in the extent to which they rely on cooperative relationships with unrelated kin,” Bachorowski said. “Being able to produce a signal such as laughter, which makes others feel good, may make it more likely that they’ll be disposed to behave positively towards us, both now and in the future.”

After this bit of research I realize that Danny and Conor both manifest the category 1 laugh, that of high pitched laughter. Personally I don’t know where I fit, but I have witnessed them all, and song-like is obviously the one everyone strives to create. Although, the snorter just allows others to laugh at them and in turn create more laughter. Well that is enough on laughter, and I’ll have to give it to the Toumarkines, they produce some of the most contagious feelings a single human can secrete.

We all grew up riding at Cranmore and now we are all in Tahoe, making the best of what this world can offer in terms of that white magic we call snow. We occasionally get together to make some turns, but not nearly enough as we really should, and that’s gonna change. There has been talk of a ski date that all of MWV is going to be part of and I think we have the biggest posse in Lake Tahoe. Once Danny gets back on the snow he is going to be leading the pack with the rest of us eating his snow dust.

Well I have been thinking about you guys a lot, your family, my family and everyone that is important to us, even the old dog I loved – Magic. And Danny, I think he left a little magic for you my man. Conor and Danny, you guys are good, good, good people and that’s why there are so many others out there reaching out to supply you guys with support and anything that needs to be done. This evening I am attending a birthday party for Steve Wallace and part of this get together is going to be dedicated to Danny with some fund raising to take place. The memories I have with you guys, your parents, your pets, the Penguin (which I loved when your dad was the main man there), are some of the best I will have and I will cherish them forever.

I Love you guys.

I have included a picture of Conor, Danny and I shredding old school on the mtn. bikes. If you look closely I think you can see remnants of Danny skiddin’ into the shot, shredding at an early age.

Love, Max

Shout Outs to Danny

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Please keep these coming. They are very easy to do and they will mean the world to Danny.
send them to or 603-496-6621

Words. Ashley Conner

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Like a lot of people, I can’t remember the first time I met Danny. We are both from New Hampshire and I spent a lot of time in the Conway area where he is from, so I’d like to say we met there? But I honestly have no idea, sometimes I wish I could remember, because I’m sure it’s a great story. None the less, the important thing is that I did meet him and I have a slew of hilarious stories to share.

One of the earliest times I remember was in January of 2009 at the SIA convention in Las vegas. Danny, Conor and I all found ourselves in the city of Sin and decided to take on the town. As only appropriate for a story about Vegas .. my memory is a little scattered but my most vivid memory is thanks to the photo I have shared. While standing in line for a taxi outside a casino, I believe while Danny and Conor attempted to convince me to go to my first strip club, Conor in a random act of genius bolted for a nearby strech limo. Confused and extremely entertained we watched from a distant as Conor worked his magic with the driver, and 10 minutes later we were partying on the strip in a limo we hadn’t paid for, with no destination.

A few months later Danny made his way to Colorado where I live. That trip is what started the hilariously strange inside joke between Danny and I of inappropriate emoticons to replace the “confusing” smiley face. Danny and I rapidly texted eachother our new creations while sitting on the chair lift as I choked back tears of laughter. No matter where we were, or what we were doing Danny always had the ability to make me laugh like that. Gut-hurting, red in the face laughter, usually at something weird he had said or done. I will never again be able to watch the Epic pass commercial with out thinking of him. “RING RING Danny.. its me! I’m on my Epic pass!” Haha At the end of his visit we coincidentally had both planned to fly back to NH on the same airline and with a quick switch were able to get on the same flight. We dragged ourselves out to bed at 4 in the morning and onto a plane where Danny claims I proceeded to drool on his shoulder while I snoozed ( which is false.) Drool or not, it was definitely the most entertaining flight i’ve had.

As I look back on these memories, I realize that they probably aren’t as funny or memorable to a lot of you, but as most people people know, Danny had the ability to make any moment a memorable one. He could make any one laugh, and left a stamp on the heart of every person he met. The week before his injury my mom was lucky enough to catch a chairlift with us at Cranmore. When she had to break the news to me about the accident it was like she had known Danny her whole life. Everyone who is reading this right now has been touched by Danny’s loving personality, charismatic style and talent and i’m sure, just like me is trying their hardest to help in what ever ways they can. I’m praying, every day and every night for his recovery, and I hope you all are too.

I love you Danny, get better soon because you still owe me ice skating.

Ashley ~0

Charlie Checkin’ In

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Donating Offline

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

For those of you that are wondering where you might want to donate by check and don’t feel comfortable using the internet here is what you are going to want to do:

Make Check Payable to:
Danny Toumarkine Assistance Trust

Mail to:
Danny Toumarkine
c/o Jack Deislinger CPA
404 Main Street
Wilmingon, MA 01887

Hiking with Kaminski and Danny

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Just a few pics from our hikin trip in the fall. stay up everyone.

Words. Doug Fagone

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Danny, family & closest friends,

Since last week, I’ve followed Danny’s awesome website; it clearly shows that all of you are tirelessly standing by Danny while showing incredible determination & strength. I wanted you to know that I experienced a severe TBI head injury after a motorcycle crash on Rte 16/Ossipee on May 13, 2008. After being airlifted to Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital, I laid in a 14 day coma. I also spent six weeks thereafter without a large left skull bone, facial fracture, broken ribs, fractured shoulder, etc.

At that time, my family & closest friends endlessly surrounded me during the long hospital & rehab stay. Their mere presence will never be forgotten by me. Incredibly, the combination of family/friend support & terrific medical treatment lead me to be able to return to skiing at Mt Cranmore during the 08/09 season and to Northstar/Tahoe along with my daughter Cristin in March 2010.

This past weekend, many of the shredders & skiers in Cranmore’s Pro Room – the “shack” – spoke at length of the Toumarkines prior seasons with us at Cranmore. Many of us also said that reading your website lead us to ultimate confidence that Danny will experience a great recovery as family/friends continue to tirelessly stand right by him.

Keep up the great work and Conor please let Danny know that I look forward to seeing him. Your info through the site “Danny is the bomb” demonstrates a recovery on it’s way. When you guys hit No Conway, I am looking forward to Danny and I sharing war stories about the great recoveries that both of us will cherish, along with our thoughts about family and friends that we each are lucky to have.

Proudly skiing at Cranmore while continuously thinking about all of you !

Doug Fagone

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