Charlie Checkin’ In

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Donating Offline

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

For those of you that are wondering where you might want to donate by check and don’t feel comfortable using the internet here is what you are going to want to do:

Make Check Payable to:
Danny Toumarkine Assistance Trust

Mail to:
Danny Toumarkine
c/o Jack Deislinger CPA
404 Main Street
Wilmingon, MA 01887

Hiking with Kaminski and Danny

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Just a few pics from our hikin trip in the fall. stay up everyone.

Words. Doug Fagone

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Danny, family & closest friends,

Since last week, I’ve followed Danny’s awesome website; it clearly shows that all of you are tirelessly standing by Danny while showing incredible determination & strength. I wanted you to know that I experienced a severe TBI head injury after a motorcycle crash on Rte 16/Ossipee on May 13, 2008. After being airlifted to Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital, I laid in a 14 day coma. I also spent six weeks thereafter without a large left skull bone, facial fracture, broken ribs, fractured shoulder, etc.

At that time, my family & closest friends endlessly surrounded me during the long hospital & rehab stay. Their mere presence will never be forgotten by me. Incredibly, the combination of family/friend support & terrific medical treatment lead me to be able to return to skiing at Mt Cranmore during the 08/09 season and to Northstar/Tahoe along with my daughter Cristin in March 2010.

This past weekend, many of the shredders & skiers in Cranmore’s Pro Room – the “shack” – spoke at length of the Toumarkines prior seasons with us at Cranmore. Many of us also said that reading your website lead us to ultimate confidence that Danny will experience a great recovery as family/friends continue to tirelessly stand right by him.

Keep up the great work and Conor please let Danny know that I look forward to seeing him. Your info through the site “Danny is the bomb” demonstrates a recovery on it’s way. When you guys hit No Conway, I am looking forward to Danny and I sharing war stories about the great recoveries that both of us will cherish, along with our thoughts about family and friends that we each are lucky to have.

Proudly skiing at Cranmore while continuously thinking about all of you !

Doug Fagone

Words. Teala Higgins

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

I met Dan in Junior High but we were never really more than aquantences. Regardless, I thought I would share my one vivid memory I have of him. We were in Ms Collins french class in 8th grade and one classmate fainted for some reason.I dont really recall who it was or why it happened, but was I do remember is that Danny refused to leave her side. He said that no matter what he was going to stay with her until the nurse came. I dont even think they were friends, that was just the kind of person he is. Someone with this good a heart is strong and WILL pull through. He deserves it…

Teala Higgins

Words. On Tour with Malinski Part 2

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Dear Danny,

We had our first am series stop at Mammoth this weekend. I can’t help but wonder if you would have continued your dominate streak of beating everybody in our slopestyle contests or if you would have wanted to spend more time with us and roll fence with Ethan and Jake. I can feel you every time I’m near a snowboard. You are one of the best shredders I’ve ever seen and the sport misses you. We are on our way to Mt. Hood this weekend for our second Am series stop. Not gonna lie feels a little weird to me that I’m going back to where we spent all summer and I won’t get to see you there. Our group misses you and Connor a ton. Jake mentioned you in his article for snowboarder mag and said a few words for you at the awards. Our journey on the road continues and You are always in my thoughts. Keep staying strong and we’ll see you soon. Thank you Conor and Michelle for all the updates. It makes me feel better knowing he’s got two great people supporting him through all this.


The Perleys!

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Due to poor image saving the Perleys are now going by perlet! Love you guys!

Danny is the Bomb!

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

Rodrigo Serra

Words. Maureen Hussey

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

I have visited this site multiple times a day, watching for Danny’s improvement and also for bits and pieces of insight into the life of this young man. I didn’t personally know Danny, but growing up and living in Mount Washington Valley, you can’t help but know the Toumarkine name. When I heard about this accident I immediately felt a deep empathy for Danny and for his family and that started my obsession (so to speak) with wanting to know how this all turns out. My prayers are with you all! It’s so refreshing to know that this young man has touched so many people which leads me to make my contribution and share my thoughts, that and the fact that Conor’s words, “If you have bothered to come on this website then you either know Danny personally or have been affected or touched by him somehow”, kept speaking to me.

I have been touched, and I am truly inspired by the affect that Danny has had throughout his years, on hundreds or even thousands of people that he has come in contact with. It doesn’t appear to me that he even had to give it much effort. He is genuine, caring, loving, and has a spark for life that is contageous to those that he comes in contact with. What a wonderful way to look at the world, I bet he always has those “rose colored” glasses on. This and the fact that apparently his amazing family have the same zest for life, will pull him through this with flying colors.

So, To Danny: keep fighting to pull yourself back to your friends and loved ones, and the world, because with people like you in it, it shows that there is such a thing as “hope” even for those that have lost theirs.

To Conor: You are an amazing brother and your strength and persistence will help to see Danny through this trial.

To Ellen and David: What an incredible person you helped to mold and share with the world and all the people that have been fortunate to be affected by him in any way, big or small.

To Michelle: You are amazing as well. I love seeing the pictures of you, for through this all you continue to smile. And I love your hats.

Maureen Hussey

Words. Susan Ainsworth

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

I was telling Cheryl that I don’t have any really fantastically amazing Danny stories, we have only ever know each other as causal friends of friends, and that is probably my fault. Every time I saw him he was always happy and psyched, always about to go do something wicked awesome with his friends. Mostly I guess I waited on Danny and his friends at the Junction, where I would walk back into the kitchen and tell Little Tom and Adam, “your posse is here at table 20 (or 18, usually 18), Yo”. Then Little Tom would go out with a special mix of Ranch and buffalo sauce to chit chat with Danny and friends while the rest of the Kitchen would stress and whine about Tom being gone for however long it took for the friends to share their psych or eat their train fries. Finally Little Tom would go back into the kitchen and the “patient” Adam could go out to say hi.

So… Danny has lots of friends. Good ones. Quality people. Plus, he always seems happy and ready, and I’ve not really met someone like that before. Danny is just that kind of open guy who is friends with you, because, why wouldn’t he be, duh?! So when I ran into him at the local small town Sew and Vac, well…..

I was dropping off my vacuum cleaner to be repaired, and I turned the corner to see Danny, in bright FliGi sweatshirt and hat talking seriously, I mean asking educated questions about sewing machine intricacies seriously, to this little old biddy who was probably in charge of the quilting corner group after church on Sunday’s and had been sewing all of her life, about what sewing machine best suited his needs. If I remember correctly, he was trying a few out, making test piece runs with a machine to figure it all out. I was stopped in my tracks. “um, Hi? What are you… doing… um here?” I asked. ” Oh Hi! Well, I’ve kinda got into sewing, and I have this new project and I need to do it right, so I’m trying out machines and I’ll be way more efficient this way …etc.” We continued to kinda talk about stuff for 2 minutes or so. When I left and got into my car, I realized something about Danny; he doesn’t half way something, he all the ways it, and that is something that I can really look up to.

When I have thought back on that meeting, which is about every other month or so when I go get vacuum bags, I think of Danny sitting there with that old lady, making a friend. It makes me chuckle every time! He was happy to see a familiar face, mine ( and yet make me feel like an old friend with his generous smile), meet a new person, and work towards mastering a skill. It seems like that is all in a days work for Danny.

So here’s to Danny who connects us all with his vibrance and positive outlook, his determination and kindness.

And here’s to Conor and Michelle for giving us a place to share our stories and being the best family Danny could ask for.

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