Words. Tito Gainza

January 25th, 2011 by Conor

I just got out of Danny room and I can’t explain in my shity English all the feelings that came to my mind when I saw him. When I first saw him I almost broke down, is so hard to see a friend in that situation, but when Danny look at us and smile it change everything, I thought to myself, yeah he is back.
When all this happened I was on the other side of the world, in Argentina and it was so hard being that far and not knowing what the hell is going on. And now after flying from Argentina to Reno for 20 hours and driving 17 hours to Montana I got to see him, I feel such a relive. Danny is doing good, I know now that he’ll be back with us sooner than what we thought.

I met Danny last season in Tahoe, we where roomates and we got along really good from the moment he enter the house. The first week in the house he got a big box full of goggles from anon and he came up to me making fun of my accent and asked me if I want a pair of goggles, I knew the guy for 3 days and he was already giving his stuff away, that’s how Danny is, he gives, he is one of the most generous persons I know. That’s how it was the whole season, hey men take my car, or use my board , or grapp any of my stuff when ever you want. We had such a great time. First time I rode with Danny I was so impress, He is so good!!! Such a natural talented rider, issaaa mazinggg!!

Then the season finish and I had to go back to Argentina. Last year was definitely the worst of my life, 5 days after I got back from Tahoe to Argentina my sister die on a car accident in Austria. Danny meet her cause she came and visit while I was in Tahoe. I can’t putt in words how it feels to lose somebody you love so much. Danny was with me the whole way, he send me so much love and support, and I’ll never gonna forget that. I know Danny suffered with me for my lost and that he would have done anything on his hands to help me out. That’s what friendship it’s all about, friends like this are family.
All I’ll like to say to Danny right know is thanks for everything, I can’t wait for some sarcastic jokes. You are family, I love you men!!


New DITB Schedule

January 25th, 2011 by Conor

Just wanted to let everyone know that since we are no longer allowed to do the graveyard shift, we will be doing the updating throughout the day. New content all day long here at Danny Is The Bomb! Check back often to get the latest news.

DITB Daily Shout Outs

January 25th, 2011 by Conor

As always send in your photos to 603-496-6621 or donations@dannyisthebomb.com

In the Flesh – Chris Rogers

January 25th, 2011 by Conor

Right after the last blog, we entered Danny’s Hospital room in the ICU at Great Falls…

I can’t explain the feeling of rounding the corner of the ICU waiting to lock eyes on Danny…but I can explain how it felt to see him…and it was Danny, not some person in a vegetative state.

His parents were already in the room. His head wrapped in a bandage turban with a five o’clock shadow. when we first walked into the room, he was sleeping. Then Conor sat next to him and said “Danny, there are some friends here to see you…” Danny rolled a little then opened the eye that wasn’t swollen from the last surgery. What he did next nearly made us do backflips in the hospital room…he lifted both arms as if to signify victory. His hand movements were completely Danny.

These are all events that do not surprise Conor, Michelle and Danny’s parents, because these are part of the strides that he has been making over the past few days. however, for us down in Tahoe, these are the things we’ve waited to SEE, not just read about. One particular thing that he keeps doing is tapping his hand or foot on the edge of his bed as if to signify that he has had enough…tapping out.

This seemed like big news, until a few hours later news came to Conor that Danny was sitting up on his own in a chair next to his hospital bed…when I walked in again I saw Danny sitting in his chair, turban still on, looking “like royalty” as Michelle said. He looked at ease and was tapping his hands incessantly. He then underwent some hand eye speech therapy tests, like connect the shapes and a few mazes (which where pretty hard from my point of view). When He finished these tests he took it upon himself to rise up on his own and attempt to get back into bed. As awesome as it was to see him stand up, it was a little premature…for another day Danny.

This was my experience on day one of a short visit…but this stuff is intense. What makes it all worth it is the look in DCT’s eye that not only suggests, but demands the understanding that he WILL be out of here soon.

A Post for Us

January 25th, 2011 by Conor

This message was emailed to me earlier today and was addressed to Michelle. Since all the emails come into me I couldn’t help but look it over. I was excited that Michelle got some fan mail and then even more excited when I indirectly got some props. Kim is stoked on a video that I put together of Michelle, Iris, Jackie and Nicki. This post isn’t so much about Danny but kind of ties in some of the players of this blog a little. Check it out…

This is for Michelle….I couldn’t fit it on your blog so I will post it here. šŸ™‚

Thank you so much for the Rubicon Ladies video and the music. It makes me almost wish I were young again. LOVE the music!

Danny spent many of his junior high school days here in our home with my son Miles and his sister Ashley, so this unfortunate accident has really touched my heart as it could have been any one of my adventurous kids.

Danny is so lucky to have you by his side and once he is back on his feet you need to remind him how lucky he is. šŸ™‚ You and Connor have been such an amazing support system for Danny…..simply amazing!

Hugs to you grrl even though we have never met!!!

Any time you need yarn to knit hats give me a shout at www.thewoolenrabbit.com and your yarn is on me. šŸ™‚ ”

Kindest regards


Just to put some things into context for people, Iris was with us when Danny got hurt and Nicki has been sending in shout outs from the Dew Tour. Michelle and Jackie are the rippin skiers in the video. Hope you enjoy what we all put together.


PS. Michelle was looking over the the site while I was typing this post. She bursted out with a random “Oh what! She’s got some pretty sick yarn.” (that’s a good thing if you don’t know skier slang). That made us all laugh over here. I’m sure you will be getting an email soon about the offer. Thanks in advance from the whole DITB crew.


January 25th, 2011 by Conor

I’m Joe Vitka, married to Dan’s mom Ellen Shea, I’d like to thank all of you that have been so supportive of Ellen and Dan through this rough patch; and I’d like to issue a FUNDRAISING CHALLENGE that applies to all those that have previously donated so generously and those that want to help.


I will match any and all donations, including those funds previously donated, on a 1-1 basis; example, should there be $12,340. already raised I’ll match that amount upon receipt of the checks to the Danny Toumarkine Assistance Trust up to a total of $25,000.. That means if Dan’s friends and buddies raise $25,000. I will match up to that amount, thus doubling what is raised.

So for those that ask what they can do here’s a chance to DOUBLE YOUR DONATION DOLLARS !!!!! Remember that if you send $100. I’ll match it thus making your $100. a $200. total donation; send $1,000. I’ll match making it your donation worth $2,000. Total limit I’ll match is a cumulative $25,000. Dig deep.

We have set up the Danny Toumarkine Assistance Trust to help Dan out; the bills are going to be massive, beyond what Dan’s health insurance will cover, and the rehab portion of recovery long and arduous. Anything that you can do will be greatly appreciated.

Please send donations to:

Danny Toumarkine Assistance Trust
John R Deislinger
404 Main Street
Wilmington, Ma. 01887


Joe Vitka

Danny Would Rather Breathe than Bathe

January 25th, 2011 by Conor

Unfortunately this is two days old, but we couldn’t let this gem sit around the in the archives forever. Danny having some fun typing his frustrations.

Words. Tori Swirka

January 25th, 2011 by Conor

Holy crap what great news to hear Danny’s surgery went so well- Everyday he seems to be getting stronger and stronger and stronger which is of course is $%*@$% AWESOME!

I really haven’t seen you guys in a couple years but like most people I’m EAGERLY watching the updates, I’m addicted to reading this webpage multiple times a day and reading just about every post out loud to my husband and mom who are also cheering you on Danny!

I think about you guys daily having to spend hour after hour in that hospital, obviously the last place on earth any of you want to be – the 3 amigos you are… and by the way, Michelle and Conor you should be told- you are pretty much TOP NOTCH on the brother and girlfriend scale! High-five for being kick ass!

Conor, thanks for starting this webpage and for keeping everyone posted on the progress on this obviously much loved kid, stud muffin, kick ass friend, ridiculously talented rider, your baby brother, Danny Boy. The progress he’s making is definitely moving in the right direction and is good news.

I have a baby brother Danny boy too – you guys and us are exactly the same age, obviously you know this, we grew up together -Still to this day just like you guys we consider the mountains our playground. I guess thats what growing up in North Conway instills in you šŸ™‚ When the snow falls we are never pissed like some snow-haters, but the exact opposite and ready and eager to get on the mountains and play. My Danny was just telling me last night word for word that Danny T is “DISGUSTING” on a board! Love the lingo don’t cha? The bond you have with your brother is obviously a strong one and you are both lucky to have such an amazing relationship…(even if he doesn’t want you bed side all the time and wants alone time with the lady!) šŸ™‚

I felt like I just wanted to send more good thoughts from me, Danny and Casey your way from New Hampshire- Wishing you a fast recovery and hoping you’ll be home in no time. Danny- there certainly is a lot of love in this world for you!

By the way- Thank you so much for making the video “how to pick up chicks” It is absolutely HILARIOUS!

Lots of love,

Goodbye Catheter!

January 25th, 2011 by Conor

The Catheter is out!

As a man, I thought this was worthy of posting by itself.



January 25th, 2011 by Conor

Here is a Song that will hopefully bring a smile to some faces there…

Much Love

Check it out!

This song was inspired by a video that Danny and I made with a little help from our friend Fatt Matt

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