February 1st, 2011 by Conor
Some of you may have noticed that Michelle’s hats have been off the radar for a little bit now. The truth is that since Danny has been snapping out of things they haven’t been quite the same priority. She has 2 that are half done that we should hopefully have up in the next few days or so. In the meantime, Ellen K from Glen, NH wants to raffle off the hat that she purchased from Michelle. For those of you that don’t remember here are the pictures of Michelle wearing the hat included with a picture that Ellen took of it.That you very much to Ellen for your your generosity!
****Tickets for this auction will be sold until 7PM EST tomorrow (February 2nd). We are hoping that Danny will be picking the winning hat if his “massive head ache” goes down.”****
I have a feeling that we are down to our last 3 or 4 official Montana made Michelle hats. Get ’em while you can!
Ellen described it as dark turquoisey blue with cocoa and other shades mixed in.
Auction Under Way
February 1st, 2011 by Conor
Maura Garrity did this hand made drawing of Danny. It came in a little earlier this evening. She wants to donate it to the fund raising process but wants to make sure it’s 100% perfect before someone gets it. What do you think everyone?

February 1st, 2011 by Conor
So, I don’t know Danny, Conor or Michelle – any of you or your families, but that is besides the point. I am a good friend of Annie Perley who grew up in the Conway area. Recently she told me about the site after my inquiry. I read through the blog/website and I was frozen in time. Annie has done so much for me in the past year, that I couldn’t help but want to give back and pay it forward, ya know.. I wanted to contribute/donate and not just quickly browse the blog and move on.
Flashing back to this past year with my family. We struggled with family and friends in the hospital. This blog has struck a chord with my heart. This fall my brother spent countless days and nights by his best bud’s bedside in the hospital. I know that, not only did our childhood friend & his family need our love, prayers and support – but so did my brother. He needed my silly texts, phone calls and emails….and for me to listen and to be supportive. (Especially since I am 3,000 miles away from home on the west coast) And that support needed to continue for everyone long after the release from the hospital. Long after.
I know for a fact that love and support are needed from the beginning, deep into the middle and long into the future. It sounds like there is an amazing support group of family, friends and communities rallying behind Danny’s recovery. The power of the internet and social networking to spread the word and to make fundraising a success so that Danny can focus on healing and not finances is amazing.
I’m reminded once again how precious life is and how important family and friends are. I’m sending all sorts of love, support and healing energy from the east coast. Here’s to healing, moving forward and the future that lies ahead. As well – here’s to the support for ALL of you – long into the future.
Mary Behrens
February 1st, 2011 by MIchelle
Danny just rolled into room 4105 of the PCU. He is in a ton of pain, but dealing with it as best as can be expected. He has the white wrap that looks like a beanie on his head with the drain coming out the top. It makes his head really hot so an ice pack is on its way. They’ve checked his vitals and all is well. Danny’s been through so much. Let’s hope this is the last of the surgeries!
February 1st, 2011 by MIchelle
Danny is out of surgery! It went well and we will be back in the PCU shortly. Not much else to say. We haven’t seen him yet, but will keep you in the loop as to how things play out.
February 1st, 2011 by Conor
Keep em coming! 603-496-6621 or donations@dannyisthebomb.com
February 1st, 2011 by MIchelle
Danny has just gone in for the burr hole drainage procedure. It will last about 45 minutes with 20 minutes in the end to clean up and get Danny to recovery. There was quite a bit of talking regarding wether or not to do the procedure now or to call it off and wait for a couple of weeks to see if the fluid beneath the skull would decrease. After talking to Doctor Gorsuch one last time before the scheduled surgery and seeing that he was more confident in the decision to go through with the procedure, Danny made the call to proceed and we all agreed. They will be monitoring the fluid beneath the skull in the next week and if the fluid decreases enough then Danny will be on his way home soon (a week to a week and a half).
One major question that had been bothering Danny and brought up great concern was if they would have to put in another catheter. After finding out that he did not need a catheter I think it was easier for Danny to make the decision. As he was given his IV cocktail he reminded us to be sure we had food waiting for him in his room. Hopefully he’ll have an appetite.
February 1st, 2011 by Conor
Hi to all up in Montana,
This is Tom Jones one of the debaucherous partners from the back of the bus in Croatia. Sounds like things are getting better all the time, couldn’t expect anything less from a strong rider. I’m really happy to hear Danny is walking around the hospital, that’s a big step when they let you do that. I was just reminded of you all again when I was screwing around at work. We were searching for Mike Wilson’s quadruple back flip into Tahoe, and the Shreddy Times clip comes up first in the Google search! Congrats on that, it was great to see your logo randomly on the web instead of looking it up directly. The editing of the clip was really professional, and was a great montage of Mike screwing around. Keep up the good work, I look forward to running into more of your clips on the web. Stay strong Danny , you’ll be out soon!!
Much Love From Mammoth!!!!! TJ
February 1st, 2011 by Conor
I’ve written once before when Danny first suffered his injury. I thought it would be nice to contribute some more. Although I may not know Danny, his family or friends, I understand what you all are going through. I went through this back in March of 2004 with my best friends older brother who is like my brother. My best friend lives in Missouri and was only able to stay for very minimal time. I made a promise to her that I’d be there everyday until he was released. I even put off moving back east to Boston to attend school until he was better. I stood by my promise. He was hit by a drunk driver going 75 mph as he was walking across the street and it literally knocked him out of his shoes, and suffered a TBI along with some other serious injuries. I remember my best friend telling me what to expect when I returned home from a trip to Boston. Nothing can prepare you for that. Tubes, machines, beeping noises, drs, nurses and all the abundance of tests. Staring at the same machine you all stared at watching the pressure, and watching the numbers jump up and down for days it felt like.
Over the weeks and months he was in ICU, PCU and eventually finally into the rehabilitation hospital I would see great leaps and bounds. As all you guys there that were worried about Dannys writing, we were worried if he was still able to draw. When we gave him a pen and paper and asked him to draw, we were all amazed and felt a little bit better about everything that had gone on.
Danny has come SO far and has made such HUGE leaps and bounds these past 3 weeks. With everyone by his side for support makes such a huge difference. I was so happy to read he will be eventually back on a snowboard, where he belongs! I’m on this site everyday checking on any new posts about Dannys recovery. Danny your in my thoughts and prayers along with everyone else who stands by you! You are such an inspirational person inside and out. You’re a strong willed, motivated person who knows what he wants. This is helping speed up your recovery.
I’ve purchased a bracelet (wish I could contribute more, but funds don’t let me at the moment being right in the middle of moving out of state) and I ROCK it everyday!! I am proud to wear it!! Anything to show my support in your recovery! This is the time people need to show some extra love and support. Danny may be in the fast lane to recovery, but he still needs everything he can get from anyone reading this site. There’s still a long road ahead with lots more leaps and bounds to conquer.
Sending lots of love and positive vibes from the west coast!!
Much Love,
February 1st, 2011 by Conor
We (Matt Davis, Sean Graves, and myself) bootpacked this out in the field at Patrol 2 out the back of Blue Sky at Vail. A perfect day and it gave us an hour to reflect on why we ride.
Get Shredder Danny!
Erik Sunde