Words. Polly Allyn

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

I’m Ellen’s sister,better known as Auntie Polly to Conor and Danny. I’m having a hard time focusing due to the erratic sleep patterns of the last week.
I remember some years ago I offered my cottage to Conor shortly after his Senior year in high school so he and Charlie Dixon could have a nice evening together to watch some movies in the quiet setting of Lovewell Pond. Silly me. Two years later, when Danny was graduating, I was looking at comments written in his year book. Much to my surprise they were all making reference to the “blast” of a party at the lake.

As a mother I can’t imagine what my sister Ellen is going through right now.
As a sister, I can’t imagine what Conor is feeling right now. Oh, the power of family. I keep re living our Christmas just three short weeks ago. There were 15 of us together for dinner every night for a week. It truly was the best Christmas ever. The last night Conor, Danny and my son Sam were all going to the Red Parka Pub for open mike night. I remember how enthusiastic Conor and Danny were for the trip to Montana. When we said good-bye, I remember saying to have a great winter, and ended with I love you. I am so happy I did that. Remember that the next time you say good-bye to someone that you won’t be seeing for a while.

Ellen, you are the most invested mother out there. It’s obvious how tight you are with the boys. You have a done a remarkable job with them.
Conor, everyone should be so fortunate to have a sibling like you…I love you
Danny…you, too!
Auntie Polly

2 Responses to “Words. Polly Allyn”

  1. Carol Says:

    God Polly…my sentiments exactly.

  2. Ellen Shea Says:

    Pol, You have no idea how many people are smiling big smiles right now thinking about “the lake house” and those good times. thanks for those memories!

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