3rd Graveyard Shift

January 9th, 2011 by Conor

Michelle thinks that the ICP (Intracranial Pressure) # is related to how much Danny loves her. Everytime she walks away she watches, anxiously, for the number to go up. It’s actually equal parts cute and funny. I made her laugh when I called her out on it.

Danny was able to Move his left Hand, Right hand and wiggle toes on both feet just a couple of minutes ago. It’s amazing that such a basic life function can feel EPIC. Two weeks ago at the Dew Tour I was been bummed out that Danny ONLY wanted to do a 900 off the 65 foot long 3rd jump. Life twists and turns in a moment.

People in Montana are nice. Or I am nicer under these circumstances. Maybe it’s both.

I am sitting here filling out Tee shirt requests and I am overwhelmed by how many people already bought them. I can’t wait to proudly wear mine. I hope everyone sends pictures in of themselves wearing them. Danny you are the Bomb!

There are 3 places you can find me throughout my exciting new lifestyle.
1) Room 207 of the Great Falls Inn
2) Lobby of the 5th floor in the Benefis Hospital
3) Bedside in room 5109 in the ICU
Beautiful women of Great Falls, Montana… Now you know.

I don’t think I realized that the swollen matter on the lookers bedside left of Danny was going to wander it’s way down to his chin area. It’s somewhat hard to imagine how it will at some point work its way out of there. I sure hope it does.

It is 6:30 in the morning right now. I made it with Michelle’s help. Danny, please stay strong for the next 8 hours. I love you and I want to hang out again. Same time, same place tomorrow? I thought so.

— Conor

2 Responses to “3rd Graveyard Shift”

  1. Cailyn O'Donnell Says:

    In recent years I have only had the opportunity to see Danny and Conor a few times a year during the holidays and maybe over the summer. When all of the kids from North Conway are home on vacation we tend to see one another out at the Parka or at the Quinn’s Annual Christmas Eve Party. It always fun seeing everyone we grew up with and laughing about old times. Last time I saw Danny I probably only said hello, there were so many of us at open mic night!

    When I think of Danny I remember hanging out in Conor’s basement room and Danny coming down to tell us some crazy funny story followed by that hyena laugh. Conor would probably tell Danny to go upstairs since for some reason right when Danny walked into the room all the attention was diverted to him.

    Danny and I have a few good jokes between us, although they can only really be captured by a facial motion and crazy hand gesture (followed by a laugh no doubt). Next time I see him I will make sure to bust it out so we can get hysterical with laughter.

    I am thinking about you and your family all the time. Hang in there and get better soon!

  2. Emily C Says:

    Even if they aren’t awake, or if you can’t look into their eyes, I can promise you it will get easier 🙂
    Find joy in every moment, which it seems like you already have, good luck by the way with your lady hunt..

    He knows you’re there and there is nothing better in the world than that. You can never lose him.
    Windells fam is sending love 🙂

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