A Post for Us

January 25th, 2011 by Conor

This message was emailed to me earlier today and was addressed to Michelle. Since all the emails come into me I couldn’t help but look it over. I was excited that Michelle got some fan mail and then even more excited when I indirectly got some props. Kim is stoked on a video that I put together of Michelle, Iris, Jackie and Nicki. This post isn’t so much about Danny but kind of ties in some of the players of this blog a little. Check it out…

This is for Michelle….I couldn’t fit it on your blog so I will post it here. 🙂

Thank you so much for the Rubicon Ladies video and the music. It makes me almost wish I were young again. LOVE the music!

Danny spent many of his junior high school days here in our home with my son Miles and his sister Ashley, so this unfortunate accident has really touched my heart as it could have been any one of my adventurous kids.

Danny is so lucky to have you by his side and once he is back on his feet you need to remind him how lucky he is. 🙂 You and Connor have been such an amazing support system for Danny…..simply amazing!

Hugs to you grrl even though we have never met!!!

Any time you need yarn to knit hats give me a shout at www.thewoolenrabbit.com and your yarn is on me. 🙂 ”

Kindest regards


Just to put some things into context for people, Iris was with us when Danny got hurt and Nicki has been sending in shout outs from the Dew Tour. Michelle and Jackie are the rippin skiers in the video. Hope you enjoy what we all put together.


PS. Michelle was looking over the the site while I was typing this post. She bursted out with a random “Oh what! She’s got some pretty sick yarn.” (that’s a good thing if you don’t know skier slang). That made us all laugh over here. I’m sure you will be getting an email soon about the offer. Thanks in advance from the whole DITB crew.

Danny Would Rather Breathe than Bathe

January 25th, 2011 by Conor

Unfortunately this is two days old, but we couldn’t let this gem sit around the in the archives forever. Danny having some fun typing his frustrations.


January 25th, 2011 by Conor

Here is a Song that will hopefully bring a smile to some faces there…

Much Love

Check it out!

This song was inspired by a video that Danny and I made with a little help from our friend Fatt Matt

I Sold My Body For Danny

January 24th, 2011 by Conor

Portrait of a Champion

January 23rd, 2011 by Conor

I just did this drawing based off of a photo of Danny. Please, feel free to share or I can post it on DITB on Facebook as an Admin. I never name stuff that I draw, but I guess you could call this one: “Portrait of a Champion.” I like the sound of that. Take it easy.
-Nate Perley

A New Look for Dollar Hill

January 22nd, 2011 by Conor

During the evening there is an hour and a half long shift change and we are forced out to the lobby during that time. We were sitting there when Michelle was crusin’ around Facebook and randomly noticed that Mayo had shaved his head. My first thought… Rad. Very Rad. How do we get more? So I started to chat him about how he should try to get Moss and Ian to do it. I didn’t get any response from him and then all of a sudden we noticed that there was a picture of Moss and Tito with shaved heads! Tito just arrived to Tahoe last night from Argentina and I hadn’t even thought of him as a possibility on the shaved head campaign. That left only one housemate on the head shave… Ian. Didn’t know which way that was going to go (for all I know he led the charge), but I had no reason to believe how he could have talked his way out of that one – I just had yet to see a picture. And then I got the group shot! The whole house did it! With newly acquired members and all. I was so stoked. Michelle was stoked. Then a picture message from Will Porter (Michelle’s roomate, our friend)! A DCT hair sculpture. No way… Will too! Seemed impossible, but then again he was no rookie to the shaved head, and it would be a pretty bold move to send it from his phone and not have done the deed himself. Then I got the epic Bozo the clown looking shot of Will in mid shave.

What a great group of friends we have. Mayo, Ian, Moss, Tito and Will… Love you all. You are amazing people and I am both happy and lucky to be able to call each and every one of you my friends. I can’t imagine seeing Danny’s face when he sees those pictures!


Teasures of room 5109

January 21st, 2011 by MIchelle

Wow, what a night last night. Just made it in and finished cleaning up Danny’s room. He’s fast asleep and sounds like he has been for most of the day. We watched a little bit of The Simpsons before he closed his eyes. I talked with him a bit and he doesn’t remember much, if anything at all, about yesterday. I asked him if he remembers cuddling and he doesn’t, but was quick to pat the bed and ask for more. Everyday we walk him through the same conversations as the day prior and he slowly starts to get his bearings again before he forgets everything. He’s got some really bad headaches which are being treated with pain meds every three hours, but they don’t ever really go away. On a pain scale of 1-10 they are rated a 10 nearly every time he’s asked. Yesterday he was refusing the meds, but today he seems more compliant. It’s good to see him sleep, I think he just has some catching up to do since he opened his eyes for the first time since the craniotomy. The doctor just came in to check up on him. Sounds like Danny will now have someone is his room 24 hours a day other than one of the four of us. Good thing because he’s anxious and ready to get out of bed!

Unfortunately, real flowers aren’t allowed in the ICU, but my friend Matt stopped by the other day for a surprise visit and left us with these beautiful flowers. They have been kept in the waiting area for everyone to enjoy.

Because real flowers aren’t allowed, this solar powered flower has been kept on the windowsill. Danny laughed when I showed him the fake flower. It’s perfect for ICU. Also, these little creatures have brought many smiles. Fuz is the snowboarding moose on the left and Dunlop is the sock monkey on the right (named by Conor). What should we name little blue monster in the middle?

A box of instruments was also sent. Here is Danny customized tambourine. I thought about breaking out all of the instruments at once, but decided against it thinking I would probably get a headache if not Danny. We’ll put these to good use in the future.

The Creative Cursing book made me laugh super hard. Danny and Conor laughed too, but it really never got old for me.

Who knew that there was even such a thing as the Cereal Lover’s Survival Kit? If there’s one person that is in need of this kit it is Danny. If you’ve read his interview on ShreddyTimes.com then you know that if Danny were trapped on an island for the rest of his life and he could only have one thing it would be cereals. “You name it, I’m down. Hopefully it wouldn’t be just one kind…”

Ride for Danny

January 20th, 2011 by Conor

Sounds like the snow isn’t the greatest today but the crew at Northstar is doing what they can to have a fun time.

2 More Shaved Heads for Danny!

January 19th, 2011 by Conor

Very soon after word of Danny’s injury, Ian Stacey took a picture of himself at a barber shop with his head shaved. The idea was to make Danny comfortable with his new dew. Danny loves, I mean LOVED, his long hair. And now it’s shaved, just like back in high school. The other night I shaved my head and today a couple more came in (not that the two are related). So if you are up for it, need a new dew, your hippie tendencies are more on the hippy side now, go for it, give it a shave.

Fellow Montanan’s

January 19th, 2011 by Conor

Howdy Conor or whoever is keeping this incredible site updated,

I wanted to offer support from myself and the Yellowstone Club Ski Patrol. I was inspired by Drew’s hike for Danny and sign, then Dave’s note from a boat in the middle of no where. I was hoping to “one up” them, and get a clear day because right behind of us is the magnificent summit of Lone Peak, but a white out is also cool. I have a great image of Danny from last winter when he walked into the up-bar of Horsefeathers, he looked like a true pro rider; skate shoes that looked way too cool, jeans that were a little baggy, but not too much, just right. A florescent yellow t-shirt that almost came down to his knees accented by a classy hoody, that was of course, unzipped. And to top it all of was the perfect strait brimmed ball cap that had nothing to do with baseball, but rather a sponsor. Danny was as friendly as I remembered him to be, a good kid doing great things.
Being fellow Montanan’s, I want to extent and invitation to anyone who needs a break, or to get away for a bit. Darren Johnson and myself live here in Big Sky, just south of Bozeman, and would be willing to have anyone who need a break or a ride. We can work out a way for one person to ride(using Dar’s pass) at Big Sky, and possibly more if need be.
Fell free to edit this post as little or as much as you like. In the picture that is me in the middle(Beau Etter-Garrette), Darren Johnson on the right, and Kyle Fredrick(a random patroler who got in the picture, but made the image symmetrical). Conor I love reading you midnight posts, they’re informative and very humorous. Keep up the good work. I wish you all wellness and happiness and it seems like there is a lot of hope to be had.

As always,


Be Well and Smile.

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