Words. Jenna Dramise

January 11th, 2011 by Conor

About 3 years ago on one fine day at Northstar I met Danny. All I remember was Danny would not stop doing front flips! I was really pumped on them in till he did about 10 of them in one run, then I was like alright, this kid I just met is crazy and is obsessed with front flips. I will also never forget when I first heard Danny laugh that day, little did I know that his brothers laugh is no different. Still to this day I have never heard a better laugh in my life.

Impact Danny has had on my life….
Danny has….

* made me laugh harder than any other person…..funny thing is I am laughing at him laughing because his laugh is the best!!!!
* made me better at snowboarding because he makes me hit jumps!
* been there when I needed a friend to talk to about snowboarding
* been there to show me up in the halfpipe even though he never rides pipe..I seriously try so hard in the halfpipe and he is still better then me!
* named one of my turtles Lars.
* Inspired me in snowboarding. I only wish I good be half as good as him, his style his drive and his talent in snowboarding is incredible. I still to this day brag about Danny on the chairlift to people!

When I dropped into my first run at the comp today I couldn’t stop crying because I have never met anyone so in love with snowboarding in my life and I just do not understand why or how this could happen to such an amazing person. Danny I think about you all the time, I hope you get better really quick. I look forward to kicking your ass in the halfpipe(i will most likely never succeed at that but will definitely try) when you get better!

I hope you remember our little adventure in Vegas, here are a couple pictures…

(picture of the horse)—- I remember you guys had to lift me up on to this huge thing and I ate shit getting off of it, but I remember wanting to get the shot haha.

One Response to “Words. Jenna Dramise”

  1. Julie Says:

    Doing my a.m. check here before I head out. So good to hear from Sarah Barah & Bri Guy! Love you guys, and love what you shared…..


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