One of Danny’s last moments at the Hospital

February 7th, 2011 by Conor

Danny is gonna be ok. Look at how well he is already doing…

12 Responses to “One of Danny’s last moments at the Hospital”

  1. Karen Says:

    Best picture! YEAH!

  2. Deb Selmi Says:

    danny I am so happy that you have recovered so well so fast… You are a lucky young man… I know I don’t have to tell you that… Iv’e know others that weren’t. Please be careful from now on…. have fun though… looks like prayers do work huh??

  3. TommyJ Says:

    Yeah Danny…keep that beard growing for sure!

  4. Darcy Kane Says:

    Congratulations to you all! Is it just me, or does it seem weird to see facial hair on the Toumarkine “boys?” Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

  5. Debbie Sweeney Says:

    Danny you look great, I am really glad you got to go home! Keep feeling better. You are a testiment That prayers really work!!

  6. Annie Says:

    you’re so cute Danny šŸ™‚ Love the bear, the scruff – and love the sign to the right that says “No Temp Probe in Ear”. Looking forward to more pictures of laughing, smiling and living life to it’s fullest šŸ™‚

  7. Schoener Says:

    YES dude! well done getting up and out so fast…kind of amazing actually…. And absolutely keep rockin’ the beard, its only right for NH!

  8. Polly Allyn Says:

    I have a ton of pictures of you in my photo albums from the last 25 years, but this one is by far the best one…Love you, Danny
    Auntie Polly

  9. Anonymous Says:

    your a crazy good rider you go big and thats it. you have defiantly inspired me as a rider your great get better bro

  10. Holly Church Says:

    You look great!!Glad to see a picture of you looking great!!enjoy New Hampshire!!!

  11. Vernon Says:

    Good to see you on your own two feet man. Looking healthy to boot! Best Wishes Man. Also good to see that smile man. Wishin you a speedy recovery from tha sticks

  12. Lyn Boden Says:

    From Grantown, Scotland, enjoy all that life has to offer. Keep positive, keep going and keep the faith. We wish you well on your journey.xx

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